Cochinito is an animated short film made in stop-motion technique with plasticine figures.
story is about a little pig who is fond of gambling, but has
bad luck. It's also about fear and paranoia.
is a personal project that comes from the interest that I've
always had in the art and technique of animation.
___My goal is to achieve the best
quality posible using the tools and materials available to me;
things that I've been able to buy or borrow. (to the friends
who have helped me, thanks!).
___Big part of the work was building
the puppets and objects which in their majority were based on
real ones, but I was lucky enough to find a couple of ones already
made. Also a Dolly and a Crane had to be built for the camera
___The inpiration for the visual
and narative style came from japanese animation, I like their
way of telling stories; creating something interesting, effective
and expressive keeping in mind the resources, that in my case,
were limited.
tried to use and adapt that language of images and camera
movements to an environment of 3-D objects.
___Part of the inspiration also
came from all the cartoons that I've seen on television since I was a
kid to the movies of today: live action, hand drawn
animation, stop-motion and Computer Generated 3-D animation.
project was and is for me a way to learn different ways of
doing things, in fact I would like to thank all the professional
animators that participate in things like the website www.stopmotionanimation.com
and others like Peter Lord & Brian Sibley for their book;
for sharing with generosity their knowledge and work techniques,
knowing that a lot of them didn't have that kind of help when
they were starting and had to learn by trial and error.
___Well, if you already read
all this, thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy the other
options on the site.
Ruiz Lucero
daniel@cochinitothemovie.com |

I hope you enjoy it!
Show it to your friends!!
Mild violence and fake blood.
Thanks to Etel Magazine
for including me in
their new issue!